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cod4status last release

Posted: 25 Feb 2018 21:26
by Gen Stranger
see below on how to install
(4.83 MiB) Downloaded 692 times
(4.83 MiB) Downloaded 692 times

1- Download the last zip thats all you need - Click Me | File attached to this thread too

2- Unzip content in your web

3- Create a clean db for the site no need to import anything

4- Edit classes/MysqliDb.php file with database and website info some examples and dont forget the last /

Create a identy key too for all servers

define('ABS_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); //If its not on root change "/" to "/mysubdirectory/"
define('ABS_URL', '');

define('ABS_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/myfolder/'); //If its not on root change "/" to "/mysubdirectory/"
define('ABS_URL', '');

5- Edit steamauth/SteamConfig.php file dont forget the last /

$steamauth['apikey'] = "Your Steam WebAPI-Key"; Can get one here
$steamauth['domainname'] = "";
$steamauth['logoutpage'] = "";
$steamauth['loginpage'] = "";

6- Go to your site but add /install to your link it will give installation steps

7- Make sure your screenshots and banned/screenshots folders are set to 755 permissions

8- If your installation was successful go to your site and log as admin "bottom right buttons" add your servers with a steam group for admins

"If you add a new member to the group use refresh button in My Servers"

9- Add these lines to your server.cfg

set rcon_password myrconpasswordwithout""
set nehoscreenshot_identkey 12345678 //Same as MysqliDb.php
set nehoscreenshot_url ""
loadplugin nehoscreenshotuploader

if everything was done well your captures should arrive at the site and the permban button in every capture you should work.

copied from ... t-release/

Re: cod4status last release

Posted: 23 Mar 2018 12:05
by Gen Stranger
The steam api key is no longer free so if you want to use the old version of cod4status you have to pay for the key

this is how I set up handling of screenshots on my system

I use cod4status the first version that came out that worked I have not upgraded it since it works the way I like. It took me long to get it working - I was also one of the lucky ones that got a free steam webapi-key before they decided to start charging for it.

I do not automatically allow screen shots to be uploaded I manually upload them to my web site after I view them and weed out non cheaters via ftp.

if I was to use the auto upload part here would be my settings in cod4x

set nehoscreenshot_identkey (hidden)
set nehoscreenshot_url " ... submit.php"
//loadplugin nehoscreenshotuploader

notice I have the plugin cancelled from loading in cod4x

I did that because I had trouble setting it up when I first installed it and after I did get it working I did not like the fact that all screen shots were uploaded.

I also use

Single File PHP Gallery 4.7.0 (SFPG) to allow all to view the banned players screenshots
by Kenny Svalgaard

LOL I posted this as a reminder to myself how I set it up.

Re: Steam breaks cod4xstatus

Posted: 09 Apr 2018 00:28
by Gen Stranger
Steam OpenID broken for many websites (fix inside)

Since Valve switched everything on to https, a great many websites using Steam OpenID are now giving errors when you try to log in.

Edit to clarify: If you own a website with Steam login, and as of yesterday nobody can log into your site, change your OpenID settings to accept URLs starting with https:// instead of just http:// and it will work again. If you are a regular user, or anyone who doesn't code for the website in question, then there is nothing you can do to fix it. Contact the website owner and point them here so they can fix it for you. This will likely apply to just about every website that lets you log in through Steam, trading or otherwise.

The reason is because with Valve's recent SSL/TLS switch, OpenID URLs were inadvertently changed too. That means while websites used to identify you by{number} they are now receiving{number} back from Valve instead. With this unexpected change, websites generally aren't coded to handle it and will throw an authentication error.

We fixed this at SteamRep by changing our OpenID service to look for either http: or https: (in case Valve rolls back), and now people are able to log into and again. However, most major trading and other Steam-related websites I know of remain inaccessible so we're sharing here.

Credit goes to Jesse from for pointing this out to us at SteamRep so we could have it fixed quickly (and to our coder Mattie for getting up in the middle of the night).

Re: cod4status last release

Posted: 09 Apr 2018 00:29
by Gen Stranger
I found a work around to this problem but if steam goes back to http you will have to re-edit the file

This worked for me and I hope it works for others

in steamauth.php look for $ptn = "/^http:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/openid\/id\/(7[0-9]{15,25}+)$/";

change the http to https and as I said it allows me to relog in under my steam name and have full access

hopefully it will work for you.