cod4x Scripts found on cod4x.mespawn from top down war and dm versions

I decided to gather scripts on and post them here
these are not my scripts and only posted for informational purposes only.
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Gen Stranger
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Posts: 362
Joined: 19 Jan 2004 18:28

spawn from top down war and dm versions

Post by Gen Stranger »

copied from
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
Objective: Score points for your team by eliminating players on the opposing team
Map ends: When one team reaches the score limit, or time limit is reached
Respawning: No wait / Near teammates

Level requirements
classname mp_tdm_spawn
All players spawn from these. The spawnpoint chosen is dependent on the current locations of teammates and enemies
at the time of spawn. Players generally spawn behind their teammates relative to the direction of enemies.

Spectator Spawnpoints:
classname mp_global_intermission
Spectators spawn from these and intermission is viewed from these positions.
Atleast one is required, any more and they are randomly chosen between.

Level script requirements
Team Definitions:
game["allies"] = "marines";
game["axis"] = "opfor";
This sets the nationalities of the teams. Allies can be american, british, or russian. Axis can be german.

If using minefields or exploders:

Optional level script settings
Soldier Type and Variation:
game["american_soldiertype"] = "normandy";
game["german_soldiertype"] = "normandy";
This sets what character models are used for each nationality on a particular map.

Valid settings:
american_soldiertype normandy
british_soldiertype normandy, africa
russian_soldiertype coats, padded
german_soldiertype normandy, africa, winterlight, winterdark

/*QUAKED mp_tdm_spawn (0.0 0.0 1.0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 72)
Players spawn away from enemies and near their team at one of these positions.*/

/*QUAKED mp_tdm_spawn_axis_start (0.5 0.0 1.0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 72)
Axis players spawn away from enemies and near their team at one of these positions at the start of a round.*/

/*QUAKED mp_tdm_spawn_allies_start (0.0 0.5 1.0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 72)
Allied players spawn away from enemies and near their team at one of these positions at the start of a round.*/

if(getdvar("mapname") == "mp_background")


maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerTimeLimitDvar( "war", 10, 0, 1440 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerScoreLimitDvar( "war", 500, 0, 100000 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerRoundLimitDvar( "war", 1, 0, 10 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerNumLivesDvar( "war", 0, 0, 10 );

level.teamBased = true;
level.onStartGameType = ::onStartGameType;
level.onSpawnPlayer = ::onSpawnPlayer;

game["dialog"]["gametype"] = "team_deathmtch";


maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR" );

if ( level.splitscreen )
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR_SCORE" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR_SCORE" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveHintText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR_HINT" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveHintText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_WAR_HINT" );

level.spawnMins = ( 0, 0, 0 );
level.spawnMaxs = ( 0, 0, 0 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::placeSpawnPoints( "mp_tdm_spawn_allies_start" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::placeSpawnPoints( "mp_tdm_spawn_axis_start" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "allies", "mp_tdm_spawn" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "axis", "mp_tdm_spawn" );

level.mapCenter = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::findBoxCenter( level.spawnMins, level.spawnMaxs );
setMapCenter( level.mapCenter );

allowed[0] = "war";

if ( getDvarInt( "scr_oldHardpoints" ) > 0 )
allowed[1] = "hardpoint";

level.displayRoundEndText = false;

// elimination style
if ( level.roundLimit != 1 && level.numLives )
level.overrideTeamScore = true;
level.displayRoundEndText = true;
level.onEndGame = ::onEndGame;

self.usingObj = undefined;

if ( level.inGracePeriod )
spawnPoints = getentarray("mp_tdm_spawn_" + self.pers["team"] + "_start", "classname");

if ( !spawnPoints.size )
spawnPoints = getentarray("mp_sab_spawn_" + self.pers["team"] + "_start", "classname");

if ( !spawnPoints.size )
spawnPoints = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getTeamSpawnPoints( self.pers["team"] );
spawnPoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getSpawnpoint_NearTeam( spawnPoints );
spawnPoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getSpawnpoint_Random( spawnPoints );
spawnPoints = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getTeamSpawnPoints( self.pers["team"] );
spawnPoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getSpawnpoint_NearTeam( spawnPoints );
self thread intoSpawn(spawnpoint.origin, spawnpoint.angles);

self spawn( spawnPoint.origin, spawnPoint.angles );
self thread intoSpawn(spawnpoint.origin, spawnpoint.angles);
level notify ("spawned_player");

onEndGame( winningTeam )
if ( isdefined( winningTeam ) && (winningTeam == "allies" || winningTeam == "axis") )
[[level._setTeamScore]]( winningTeam, [[level._getTeamScore]]( winningTeam ) + 1 );

intoSpawn(originA, anglesA){
self.pers["gotani"] = true;
self playLocalSound( "ui_camera_whoosh_in" );
wait 0.1;
self freezeControls( true );
zoomHeight = 6500;
slamzoom = true;
self.origin = originA + ( 0, 0, zoomHeight );
ent = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
self thread ispawnang(ent);
ent.angles = anglesA;
ent setmodel( "tag_origin" );
self linkto( ent );
ent.angles = ( ent.angles[ 0 ] + 89, ent.angles[ 1 ], ent.angles[ 2 ] );
ent moveto ( originA + (0,0,0), 2, 0, 2 );
wait ( 1.00 );
wait( 0.6 );
ent rotateto( ( ent.angles[ 0 ] - 89, ent.angles[ 1 ], ent.angles[ 2 ] ), 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 );
wait ( 0.5 );
wait( 0.1 );
self unlink();
ent delete();
self freezeControls( false );
if ( level.inPrematchPeriod )
self freezeControls( true );
self thread ispawnang(ent);

//self setClientDvars ("ui_hud_hardcore", 1);
self SetPlayerAngles( ent.angles );
wait 0.05;
//self setClientDvars ("ui_hud_hardcore", 0);
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
Objective: Score points by eliminating other players
Map ends: When one player reaches the score limit, or time limit is reached
Respawning: No wait / Away from other players

Level requirements
classname mp_dm_spawn
All players spawn from these. The spawnpoint chosen is dependent on the current locations of enemies at the time of spawn.
Players generally spawn away from enemies.

Spectator Spawnpoints:
classname mp_global_intermission
Spectators spawn from these and intermission is viewed from these positions.
Atleast one is required, any more and they are randomly chosen between.

Level script requirements
Team Definitions:
game["allies"] = "marines";
game["axis"] = "opfor";
Because Deathmatch doesn't have teams with regard to gameplay or scoring, this effectively sets the available weapons.

If using minefields or exploders:

Optional level script settings
Soldier Type and Variation:
game["american_soldiertype"] = "normandy";
game["german_soldiertype"] = "normandy";
This sets what character models are used for each nationality on a particular map.

Valid settings:
american_soldiertype normandy
british_soldiertype normandy, africa
russian_soldiertype coats, padded
german_soldiertype normandy, africa, winterlight, winterdark

/*QUAKED mp_dm_spawn (1.0 0.5 0.0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 72)
Players spawn away from enemies at one of these positions.*/


maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerTimeLimitDvar( level.gameType, 10, 0, 1440 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerScoreLimitDvar( level.gameType, 1000, 0, 5000 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerRoundLimitDvar( level.gameType, 1, 0, 10 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::registerNumLivesDvar( level.gameType, 0, 0, 10 );

level.onStartGameType = ::onStartGameType;
level.onSpawnPlayer = ::onSpawnPlayer;

game["dialog"]["gametype"] = "freeforall";


maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_DM" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_DM" );

if ( level.splitscreen )
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_DM" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_DM" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_DM_SCORE" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveScoreText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_DM_SCORE" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveHintText( "allies", &"OBJECTIVES_DM_HINT" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::setObjectiveHintText( "axis", &"OBJECTIVES_DM_HINT" );

level.spawnMins = ( 0, 0, 0 );
level.spawnMaxs = ( 0, 0, 0 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "allies", "mp_dm_spawn" );
maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::addSpawnPoints( "axis", "mp_dm_spawn" );
level.mapCenter = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::findBoxCenter( level.spawnMins, level.spawnMaxs );
setMapCenter( level.mapCenter );

allowed[0] = "dm";

maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "kill", 5 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "headshot", 5 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "assist", 1 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "suicide", 0 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "teamkill", 0 );

level.displayRoundEndText = false;
level.QuickMessageToAll = true;

// elimination style
if ( level.roundLimit != 1 && level.numLives )
level.overridePlayerScore = true;
level.displayRoundEndText = true;
level.onEndGame = ::onEndGame;

spawnPoints = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getTeamSpawnPoints( self.pers["team"] );
spawnPoint = maps\mp\gametypes\_spawnlogic::getSpawnpoint_DM( spawnPoints );

self spawn( spawnPoint.origin, spawnPoint.angles );
self thread intoSpawn(spawnpoint.origin, spawnpoint.angles);

onEndGame( winningPlayer )
if ( isDefined( winningPlayer ) )
[[level._setPlayerScore]]( winningPlayer, winningPlayer [[level._getPlayerScore]]() + 1 );
intoSpawn(originA, anglesA)
self.pers["gotani"] = true;
self playLocalSound( "ui_camera_whoosh_in" );
wait 0.1;
self freezeControls( true );
zoomHeight = 6500;
slamzoom = true;
self.origin = originA + ( 0, 0, zoomHeight );
ent = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
self thread ispawnang(ent);
ent.angles = anglesA;
ent setmodel( "tag_origin" );
self linkto( ent );
ent.angles = ( ent.angles[ 0 ] + 89, ent.angles[ 1 ], ent.angles[ 2 ] );
ent moveto ( originA + (0,0,0), 2, 0, 2 );
wait ( 1.00 );
wait( 0.6 );
ent rotateto( ( ent.angles[ 0 ] - 89, ent.angles[ 1 ], ent.angles[ 2 ] ), 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 );
wait ( 0.5 );
wait( 0.1 );
self unlink();
ent delete();
self freezeControls( false );
if ( level.inPrematchPeriod )
self freezeControls( true );
//self disableWeapons();
self thread ispawnang(ent);
//self setClientDvars ("ui_hud_hardcore", 1);
self SetPlayerAngles( ent.angles );
wait 0.05;
//self setClientDvars ("ui_hud_hardcore", 0);
Gen Stranger
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