CoD4X Server and BigBrotherBot (b3) helpConfig problems with New Experience

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Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

-I was looking rolleye and I can't find something like what I need, at least not in recent topics

Another thing that I can't find is that I don't know how to add killhouse and shipment in the menu to choose maps at the end, we are fans of the filth of being 20 players in a small space
note: to add a custom map the same shipment44, in NE ask me for a mod, ????

I live in Cuba and I do not plan to host a node on the Internet but I have a server in a lan and when I created a new experience it was a bomb we are like crazy with all the crazy things that it has already translated most of the menus but there are many things that I do not know
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

I want to start geowelcome but not with the IP range of the countries, I have to make a database for IP ranges, it would be like

-Welcome "Gen Stranger" from Havana, Vedado
-Welcome "bluedragon" from Havana, Lisa
- Welcome "Theone" from Matanzas, Manzanillo
where the structure would be:
province- municipality

this is an example is "Cuba"
____10.1.0.0/16 Pinar 1st province (example)

____10.2.0.0/16 Habana 2nd province
-_-_-_-_ .1.0/24 habana-Vedado
-_-_-_-_ .2.0/24 habana-Lisa
-_-_-_-_ .3.0/24 habana-etc.etc

____10.3.0.0/16 Matanza 3th province
-_-_-_-_ .1.0/24 matanzas-Manzanillo

What I want to know is that once you check the table, it would surely be in PHP as I do so that NE will read me from there

If the English is bad I ask you to excuse me I spend a lot of work to write it although reading it I understand it a lot and that's why I use the google translator

my internet is very expensive for my salary,
that's the reason why I write a lot, I wait a while and I connect to read the answers
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

how can I change the scorelimit from 150 to 500 in FFA for example
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

Gen Stranger wrote:
is there any way or script for messages during the game? like the b3 does example I copy a scrit and another mod

// messagecenter
setDvar( "promod_mc_enable", 1 ); // [0-1]
setDvar( "promod_mc_rs_every_round", 0 ); // [0-1] (restarts messages on round-based gametypes)
setDvar( "promod_mc_delay", 45 ); // [1->] (default delay in seconds between messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_loopdelay", 45 ); // [1->] (delay in seconds until it starting over)
setDvar( "promod_mc_maxmessages", 5 ); // [1->] (set this equivalent to number of messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_1", "^7Visit our Website ^6WWW.myteamspeak.COM" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_2", "^7Don't ^1Cheat ^7Please, Thank you" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_3", "^7Stay Tuned for more ^2Updates" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_4", "^5News: https://Localhost/home" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_5", "<*nextmap*>" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_1", 25 ); // [1->] (overrides default delay in seconds between messages, e.g special messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_2", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_3", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_4", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_5", 25 );

I do not know how to do it if you put it step by step as you did with the / score q thanks to that I made the photo above, thanks
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

In the rotation of this mod (NE) it does not include killhouse or shipment in the voting system, so how can I add those maps?
excuse me for having an avalanche of questions but "I'm like a dog in a butcher shop"
with this mod and all those who play have me crazy, many do not have internet

please answer me those who know
:S :-S:worried:
One of the things I would like to know the most is to increase the FFA scorelimit at least if it has any specificity or I add things like this
set scr_dm_timelimit 0
set scr_dm_scorelimit 300
set scr_war_timelimit 0
set scr_war_scorelimit 1000
in the config.cfg
I check at night that I have little money left
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 05:11 how can I change the scorelimit from 150 to 500 in FFA for example
yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 19:01
please answer me those who know
:S :-S:worried:
One of the things I would like to know the most is to increase the FFA scorelimit at least if it has any specificity or I add things like this
set scr_dm_timelimit 0
set scr_dm_scorelimit 300
set scr_war_timelimit 0
set scr_war_scorelimit 1000
in the config.cfg
I check at night that I have little money left

I already solved this
Also adding it in the server.cfg
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Gen Stranger
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by Gen Stranger »

yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 01:25 -I was looking rolleye and I can't find something like what I need, at least not in recent topics

Another thing that I can't find is that I don't know how to add killhouse and shipment in the menu to choose maps at the end, we are fans of the filth of being 20 players in a small space
note: to add a custom map the same shipment44, in NE ask me for a mod, ????

I live in Cuba and I do not plan to host a node on the Internet but I have a server in a lan and when I created a new experience it was a bomb we are like crazy with all the crazy things that it has already translated most of the menus but there are many things that I do not know
a lot is asked here so I will try to answer each
1.I don't know how to add killhouse and shipment
first of all you must have the cod4x's config.cfg file in the directory that you have the server.cfg and call it by putting exec config.cfg in the server.cfg
next there is a section in config.cfg called
// Mapvote
set mapvote "1" // Enable map vote ( 1-enable ; 0-disable )
set mapvote_mapnum "5" // Number of maps to vote ( 3 - 8 )
set mapvote_norepeat "3" // For how many rounds the same map can't be voted for ( 0 - 10 )
set mapvote_time "15" // Mapvote timer ( 5 - 40 seconds )

the maps are called from the map rotation to should already have in your server.cfg
just make sure killhouse and shipment are in the rotation
the map vote calls the maps at random so there is no way to just call a map you like at will.

2. NE asks for a mod to play custom maps
its not ne that asks for the mod its cod4x itself you cannot play custom maps without a mod However there is a way to call custom maps with a fake mod.
a fake mod is just a directory off your mods directory with just your server,cfg and config.cfg in it but to call it is different
ok lets say you fake mod directory is named KAB
on your start line you add +set fs_game "mods/KAB" that will allow the game to run from your fake mod called KAB
that would allow the running of custom maps - of course you have to add the custom map to your map rotation
see my post on the subject viewtopic.php?f=246&t=5526&p=32020&hili ... mod#p32020
Gen Stranger
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by Gen Stranger »

yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 01:33 I want to start geowelcome but not with the IP range of the countries, I have to make a database for IP ranges, it would be like

-Welcome "Gen Stranger" from Havana, Vedado
-Welcome "bluedragon" from Havana, Lisa
- Welcome "Theone" from Matanzas, Manzanillo
where the structure would be:
province- municipality

this is an example is "Cuba"
____10.1.0.0/16 Pinar 1st province (example)

____10.2.0.0/16 Habana 2nd province
-_-_-_-_ .1.0/24 habana-Vedado
-_-_-_-_ .2.0/24 habana-Lisa
-_-_-_-_ .3.0/24 habana-etc.etc

____10.3.0.0/16 Matanza 3th province
-_-_-_-_ .1.0/24 matanzas-Manzanillo

What I want to know is that once you check the table, it would surely be in PHP as I do so that NE will read me from there

If the English is bad I ask you to excuse me I spend a lot of work to write it although reading it I understand it a lot and that's why I use the google translator

my internet is very expensive for my salary,
that's the reason why I write a lot, I wait a while and I connect to read the answers
this I cannot give an answer for since I do not use that part of the NE - I suggest you check on maybe you can find an answer there
Gen Stranger
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by Gen Stranger »

yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 05:11 how can I change the scorelimit from 150 to 500 in FFA for example
score limits are controlled in the server.cfg
example mine has this for ffa
set scr_dm_scorelimit 500 //change that to 1000 for your need
set scr_dm_timelimit unlimited //can also be any number for example a 15 would be 15 minutes unlimited means no time limit
set scr_dm_roundlimit 1
set scr_dm_numlives 0
set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay 1
set scr_dm_waverespawndelay 0
Gen Stranger
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by Gen Stranger »

yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 05:26
Gen Stranger wrote:
is there any way or script for messages during the game? like the b3 does example I copy a scrit and another mod

// messagecenter
setDvar( "promod_mc_enable", 1 ); // [0-1]
setDvar( "promod_mc_rs_every_round", 0 ); // [0-1] (restarts messages on round-based gametypes)
setDvar( "promod_mc_delay", 45 ); // [1->] (default delay in seconds between messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_loopdelay", 45 ); // [1->] (delay in seconds until it starting over)
setDvar( "promod_mc_maxmessages", 5 ); // [1->] (set this equivalent to number of messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_1", "^7Visit our Website ^6WWW.myteamspeak.COM" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_2", "^7Don't ^1Cheat ^7Please, Thank you" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_3", "^7Stay Tuned for more ^2Updates" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_4", "^5News: https://Localhost/home" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_message_5", "<*nextmap*>" );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_1", 25 ); // [1->] (overrides default delay in seconds between messages, e.g special messages)
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_2", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_3", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_4", 25 );
setDvar( "promod_mc_messagedelay_5", 25 );

I do not know how to do it if you put it step by step as you did with the / score q thanks to that I made the photo above, thanks
I will post how to add messages with a script in the scripting forum.
it more then likely will take a day or so for me to do it.
Gen Stranger

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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

Gen Stranger wrote: 17 May 2020 12:44
yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 01:33 I want to start geowelcome .......
this I cannot give an answer for since I do not use that part of the NE - I suggest you check on maybe you can find an answer there

I try to register there but send me somewhere else, so I only have to read but I can't post anything
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

Gen Stranger wrote: 17 May 2020 13:03
yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 05:26
Gen Stranger wrote:
is there an......

I do not know how to do it if you put it step by step as you did with the / score q thanks to that I made the photo above, thanks
I will post how to add messages with a script in the scripting forum.
it more then likely will take a day or so for me to do it.

I will be waiting for this anxious quote me when you do it pls
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

Gen Stranger wrote: 17 May 2020 12:48
score limits are controlled in the server.cfg
example mine has this for ffa

If this part already solves it, I did the same thanks for confirming
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Gen Stranger
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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by Gen Stranger »

yulethe1 wrote: 17 May 2020 14:19
Gen Stranger wrote: 17 May 2020 12:44
yulethe1 wrote: 16 May 2020 01:33 I want to start geowelcome .......
this I cannot give an answer for since I do not use that part of the NE - I suggest you check on maybe you can find an answer there

I try to register there but send me somewhere else, so I only have to read but I can't post anything
I see their registration process is broken I will notify them and you when I get an answer from them.
Gen Stranger

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Re: Config problems with New Experience

Post by yulethe1 »

Gen Stranger wrote: 17 May 2020 16:23 I see their registration process is broken I will notify them and you when I get an answer from them.
apld thanks
this becomes my favorite forum.
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